Bayesian Approach

Resources for Bayesian modeling

maintained by : Olivier Gimenez Click here to contribute

Icon Legend:

Type: course video exo open book book article git repo website

level: begin intermediate advanced


Name Links
Bayesian statistics with R O. Gimenez – A clear introduction to Bayesian analysis using R and jags
Statistical Rethinking R McElreath – A complete course about Bayesian inference and regression, including covariance structure, using stan
Bayesian Modeling for Socio-Environmental Data T Hobbs, M Collins, C Che-Castaldo – A course with r and jags providing an understanding to Bayesian methods, statistical concepts and methodology
Bayesian statistics course F. Barraquand – A full Master course to learn Baysian statistics including MCMC, Anova, GLMM, non-linear models, occupancy models and model selection
BiogecoBayes – A collection of useful workshops created by a group of researchers & students who want to progress together in their learning
Bayesian Models: A Statistical Primer for Ecologists T Hobbs, M Hooten – Presents the mathematical and statistical foundations of Bayesian modeling in language accessible to non-statisticians
Learning Bayesian Statistics – a podcast channel presenting scientists, their approach and thinking


Name Links


Name Links
The Markov-chain Monte Carlo Interactive Gallery – view algorithms

Convergence and Identifiability

Name Links

Packages and software



Name Links
Become a Bayesian with R & Stan M Clark – an introduction to the probabilistic programming language Stan
Stan for Ecology – location for all types of works in ecology that use the software Stan for Bayesian inference
Stan User Guide Stan Development Team


Name Links
nimble-training C Paciorek, D Turek, P de Valpine – several workshops to learn programming with nimble
nimble manual NIMBLE Development Team – official & useful manual
nimble cheatsheet
nimble NIMBLE Development Team – nimble website, download, find examples and documentation