Spatial Analysis

Resources for spatial & occupancy analysis

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Type: course video exo open book book article git repo website

level: begin intermediate advanced

GIS & Data

Name Links
Introduction to GIS and mapping in R using the sf package O. Gimenez – Helpful slides to start mapping in R
Data wrangling for spatial analysis C J Brown, D Schoeman, A J Richardson, B Venables – Introduction to spatial analysis with sf
Spatial data in R D Zurell – Introduction to spatial data in R
Geospatial vector data in R with sf B Karabaliev – Create static and interactive maps with spatial data
Spatial regression in R L Hertzog – Introduction to spatial regression models

Distribution and Abundance

Name Links
Current approaches to species distribution modelling with R C. Brown – Introduction to build, run and visualize species distribution models
Distance sampling course CREEM, University of St Andrews – Introduction to distance sampling concepts, survey design, field methods and data analysis

Habitat Selection



Name Links
Spatial regression in R: INLA L Hertzog – Spatial regression with INLA package
The R-INLA project H Rue – Latent-models with INLA package